Aha, September Is Here And No One Warned Us

Pssst, did you know summer is almost over?

September is upon us, and the shorter days and cooler temps are quickly going to test our mettle. jeff noel hopes you had better-than-expected Summer physical activity results and that you are positioning yourself for the Fall and Winter.

Lane 8 is one of five daily blogs jeff noel writes for Midlife Celebration. If you’re a runner, fitness buff, or desiring to increase your sense of wellbeing – maybe that’s why you’re here. Besides Lane 8’s focus on diet, exercise, rest and work life balance, noel writes four other blogs about Life’s (other) Big Choices – unusual concept.

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Excellence Has A Transferable Formula

Excellence Has A Transferable Formula

It matters little to walk to do the preaching if not the walking, is the preaching.

You may have to read that again. I stopped telling people what I’m gonna do. Now I just do it. When I ask myself, “Would you rather be smart or wise?”, the answer is obvious.

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Being Committed To Exercise Is Often A Lonely, But Entertaining Journey

Earlier this year, jeff noel spoke at The University of New Mexico. With the same focus and discipline great companies use to be world class, jeff noel applies to health and wellness.

Find the right process to get the job done. For me, it’s running early, because if it’s not done early, it won’t happen. Knowing this and ignoring it is deadly. The bonus? I see reminders of where I work and why.

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