BFO, eh?

Had a Quiznos sandwich yesterday in Salt Lake International Airport.   The Sun Chips bag had a BFO on the back:

Big changes can come from small steps.


Big Changes from Small Steps
Big Changes from Small Steps

It’s amazing, to me anyway, that this sort of logic is repeated over and over and over in our media.

While I’m far from perfect, and certainly not the brightest bulb in the pack, I do know that common sense, when it becomes common practice, can yield amazing results.

Make it a GREAT day!  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.

BFO, eh?  Blinding flash of the obvious!

Motivational Secret @ Lane 8

Want the secret to staying motivated?

We already know most people can find reason to get motivated.

The real secret is staying motivated.  Did you hear that?  Did it sink in?  STAYING motivated!

You must, repeat must, find a reason bigger than yourself to do what’s common sense.

Exercise, nutrition, and rest are key health strategies.  They are common sense.  They are not common practice.

Why?  Because there is always an easier choice to make.  And, you already know what it is.  You don’t need anyone to remind you.