Say It With Me

If You Can Remember Well, Count Your Blessings
If You Can Remember Well, Count Your Blessings

Mantra’s can be very helpful. We all need to be reminded to stay focused (in the midst of endless temptation), and count our blessings (when it often seems like there are none).


Mantras are very effective. Say it with me:

“I feel happy, I feel healthy, I feel alive!”

It’s quite common for business travelers (and anyone, doing anything, for that matter) to feel the drain that comes with the territory.

Waking up this morning, the final day of a four-day trip, found myself repeating this mantra over and over. It worked.

Say it with me….Next Blog

Lacking Motivation?

It Doesn't Matter How Fast You Are
It Doesn't Matter How Fast You Are

“I sometimes think that running has given me a glimpse of the greatest freedom a man can ever know, because it results in the simultaneous liberation of both mind and body……The runner does not know why he runs. He only knows that he must run……We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves.” — Roger Bannister, 1956

Are You Bored With It All?

The Road To Excellence Has No End
The Road To Excellence Has No End

Everyday is the same.

The same challenge to find time to balance all the competing demands on my time.

Bet you have the same challenges. In fact, I’ll guarantee you struggle with it.

I say the same thing, over and over again, on these five blogs.

This approach may bore you.

Therein lies one of the secrets to a well-lived life.

Never get bored with the basics.

The Second Month

Lane 8 Wasn't Even A Dream Yet
Lane 8 Wasn't Even A Dream Yet

Same thing, kept adding an additional mailbox each week, so after two months, it was a very slow jog for 800 meters.

The third month I began adding an additional 400 meters (quarter mile) to each week. Meaning the third month looked like this:

  1. First week = 1,200 meters
  2. Second week -= 1,600 meters (1 mile)
  3. Third week = 2,000 meters
  4. Fourth week = 2,400 meters (1.5 miles)

It took ten weeks to reach 1,600 meters, a mile. A VERY slow mile.

Who’s got the patience to wait 2.5 months before they can finish one mile?

Ten Must Have Health Screenings

Find A Million Ways To Stay Motivated
Find A Million Ways To Stay Motivated

Today is short and sweet.  If you are a woman, or if you love someone who’s a woman, please make sure these ten recommended health screenings on the health radar.

Yes, life is insanely busy and challenging for most of us. This is one of the main causes of ill-health.

We all must find our own unique way of figuring it out.