Took three tries to get 20 miles

Bicycles near Walt Disney World
Yesterday was a first. Photo at 6:50am.


Apple watch fitness tracker
One way to High School.


Took three tries to get 20 miles.

  1. Seven miles round trip to High School at 7:00am
  2. Six miles round trip to Pool Supply Store at 12:00pm
  3. Seven miles round trip to High School at 3:00pm

All of these trips traditionally are done with a car.

Who doesn’t want to become more active?

We are leaving in 30 minutes to ride to High School. i’ll return home and then walk three miles roundtrip to the gym.



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Vibrant health is the new wealth

Highline Trail Mountain goat encounter
My college buddy, Howard, with his first Highline Trail Mountain goat encounter. Summer 2017.


Disney Leadership Speaker
The guy who took the Mountain Goat photo.


Vibrant health is the new wealth.


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It’s only impossible until the first person does it

Healthiest Community in USA
After the 5k the other day…



Traveling four days this week, doing work that matters.

The hotel and the venue are four miles apart.

In a perfect world, i’ll be walking to and from the venue two of the days.

We’ll see.

Someone in each of the six learning sessions will be the healthiest person in the room.

It’s not a context nor a competition.

But it is still something that can be measured.

Live like you mean it.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

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To eat, rest, and move with great expectation is glorious

Cozumel Jeep excursion
“Mayan ruin” in Cozumel. Your body is the temple housing everything keeping you alive.


To eat, rest, and move with great expectation is glorious.

Knowing you are intentionally creating lifetime wellness habits frees you from the burden of being unintentional and at risk.

Sure, there are always risk factors, but the ones emanating from poor wellness choices are non-issues for you.


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Recently won a bronze medal at the Masters Track & Field Indoor World Championships

Prolific Bloggers
Lane 8 is the worst lane in the 400-meter sprint. The slowest runner is placed there.


In April 1999, i began running one mailbox a day for a week.

Each new week for many months i’d add an additional mailbox.

Mailboxes in my neighborhood are 100 meters apart.

So in four weeks for example, i was running 400 meters total without stopping – the equivalent of one lap around a High School track.

Pretty impressive, right?

In 2002 i ran my first 5k.

In 2005, i competed in my first Masters Track event in Orlando.

i got hooked on the karma older athletes demonstrate.

Fast forward a decade and i represented USA in the M50-54 age group at 400 meters at the 2009 Masters Track & Field Outdoor World Championships in Finland.

Finished as the World’s 43rd fastest M50-54 400-meter sprinter.

Telling you that to provide context for this…

Recently won a bronze medal at the Masters Track & Field Indoor World Championships.


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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.