Health in the present moment

Thought on time
Old as the sea. Young as the new day. Photo: last night at Barnes and Noble. The album.


Buddism worships no God.

Buddism focuses on being happy in the present moment.

What if we, in our daily grind, could do that – be happy in our current moment?

What about health in the present moment?

Is it possible?


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This website is about our BODY. To read posts about our SPIRIT, click here.


Disney creativity never gets old and never feels like work

Google map app
Yesterday was an “off” day for exercise, but the 3 mile walk was more than welcomed.


Love using Disney creativity (automatically)  to solve day to day challenges.

A short visit to Tire Kingdom for a minor repair was quoted at a 90-minute wait. Sit and wait in the lobby?


Those 90 minutes allowed just enough time to walk three miles roundtrip to the allergist for bi-weekly injections.

Spring isn’t far away and you’ll start seeing people posting how miserable their sinus infections are making them feel.

Been there, done that (except Facebook didn’t exist back then).

This Spring, because of 14 years of injections, i’ll be breathing easy.


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This website is about our BODY. To read posts about our SPIRIT, click here.


Exercise is great stimulation for creativity

Disney cast costumes
Today, December 15, 2016, waiting to visit One Man’s Dream. Suitcase and box are similar.


Exercise is great stimulation for creativity.

Walt Disney played Polo, but no one ever described Walt as fit.

But his ability to inspire creativity in others was (and still is) remarkable.

At Disney, we think “Inside-The-Box”, not outside.

The thing about thinking outside the box is that most people, when they get outside of the box, they don’t know what they’re looking at because they have never built their box.

Dear son, use what i’ve taught you to build your box, and, think inside of it, not outside.

And every so often you’ll want to expand your box – to make it bigger – and having a well-defined box will facilitate this.

The four sides of your box are: vision, mission, brand, customer.


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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Letting go of sugar

Universal Studios Orlando construction 2016
Our habits slowly become immovable mountains. Photo: Universal Studios Orlando yesterday.


Letting go of sugar is  impossible challenging for us because we’ve grown up on it.

Decades worth of habit, reliance, and acceptance.

What would it take to let go of sugar?


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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Pain Recognition And Management

hiccup remedies
Last night a HS sophomore holding his breath and drinking water upside down. Hiccup cure.


Do you ever get unexplained and unexpected pain anywhere in your body?

What do you do about it?

Wait, right?

Wait and see if it goes away, stays the same, or gets worse.

Then depending on which of the three happens, we move on to the next step.

For the record, unusual and recurring (a month) pain in left pointer finger. From pull-ups at the gym? Random arthritis?


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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.