How To Get Rid Of Habitual Excuse Addiction

Yeah, that's it, the secret is the quad core processor. (gullible, party of one, right this way)

Here’s the bottom line on how to get rid of excuse addiction. Wait..timeout! If I could tell every individual person how to successfully do this, I’d be a millionaire, right?

Insight: Are you getting this yet? If there was an easy answer, there would be no gazillion dollar diet and weight loss industry.

PS. An important PSA (public service announcement) tomorrow…

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How To Break Hard To Break Health Habits

For me, being a role model and walking the talk is extremely motivating.

How do you break hard to break health habits? First rule, don’t look for a cookie cutter solution. This is a myth. Look at all the diets that have ever been created. None of them have sustainability. None.

Insight: You want easy answers to life’s biggest challenges? Get real with yourself. And get rid of habitual codependence with excuses.

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Yes, Healthy Behavior Is Contagious

One simple habit. Choosing wisely.

When you’re in the company of a very healthy person, it’s nearly impossible to make poor food choices. You can still make routine poor choices, but the detrimental effect of your routine choices is way more obvious.

Insight: If you hold yourself more personally accountable when you hang out with healthy people, you are on to a key success factor – for when you are not with a healthy role model.

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Only One Thing Competes With Enthusiasm As The Most Contagious Attribute


Enthusiasm is the most contagious thing in the world. You know this as soon as you are near a person who is full of positive energy and passion. And you know the second most contagious thing in the world when you are near someone who is the antithesis of enthusiasm – an energy vampire.

Insight: Birds of a feather flock together.

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