He said…

wellness lifetime
can we stay active for a lifetime?

On our first trip together, a new colleague once said, “You’ll talk to anyone”. And on yesterday’s flight to Minneapolis I was having a conversation about parenting and exercise with a man one year older than me. My son is 11. His boys are 33, 31, 28.

His best parenting tip was to keep kids busy. Then we talked about exercise. He’s run the Disney marathon in under four hours. I told him I can’t stop exercising. Ever. The day I quit is the healthiest I’ll ever be for the rest of my life. He grinned.

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She said…

travel exercise
Road warriors find little time to exercise

Yesterday at the bank waiting to close a home equity loan, the bank representative and I were catching up (our sons are 11). She said, “I see you running all the time on 535. You can tell you really love to run”.

Pausing, and considering whether I should say it or not, I finally did, “Maggie, here’s the thing, there are many days where I don’t feel like it at all. Really!”

Does the most common excuse for exercise begin with, “I can’t find the motivation”, or, “I can’t find the time”?

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