What’s your health passion?

What do we see in our mirror?

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What’s your health passion? Is it important to have one? What if we don’t? How do we get one? If we have one, how do we keep it alive? Folks who avoid tough questions are in the majority. A healthy, robust Baby Boomer is a minority.

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Photo: Disneyland Paris Hotel

Which pain seems more reasonable?

Seriously, eating Reese’s peanut butter cup ice cream everyday after lunch and dinner would be no problem…

Reese's peanut butter cup

Which pain seems more reasonable? Another recent Twitter follower shares a provocative insight:

The pain of being overweight is far worse than the pain of working out. – Karen McCoy

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Yeah, but…

Yeah, but… So what if you miss workouts. Is that a good enough reason to quit?

Masters Championships

Getting motivated is much easier than staying motivated. Thirteen years and still challenging the aging process. Run, dude. Run!

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