The price we pay for our health triples

airport newsstand magazine headline
daily disruptions and time constraints never, ever go away


The price we pay for our health triples because we must invest in three areas, not just one:

  1. exercise
  2. diet
  3. rest

Our results are proportional to our balanced, and focused, approach. We know this.

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Why losing our motivation can help us do this one critical step

failure and opportunity
change the tagline to: our last failure is our next opportunity


Why losing our motivation can help us do this one critical step…

Regain it.

Losing our will to stay healthy can be a catalyst for regaining it.

It’s the test we want our loved ones to pass. We must show them we can do it before we can ask them to do it. We know this. Don’t give up. Go!

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Gathering wood for the proverbial campfire

storyboard your wellness
ideas are storyboarded so they don’t get lost and so they can be rearranged, expanded


Gathering wood ideas for the proverbial campfire first book, in which midlife wellness and work life balance are explored and redefined as critical “life success factors”.

Also, I’m three months into the official march towards Lane 8, M50-54, Masters Track and Field National Championships.

Motivation is like oxygen. Life sustaining.

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog

PS. Yes, wanted to post a blurry photo… keeping the storyboard mostly private.


Time to start ramping up the motivation

between the snowflake pillow and the fireplace lies a highly motivated Pet


Time to start ramping up the motivation. We are not motivated to build a fire when it’s warm outside. Cold motivates us to action.

Nor are we likely to exercise regularly when life is crazy busy. But we must find our motivation to do it anyway. And motivation is like a fire. Unless we add fuel to it, it will go out.

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


Inactivity is an addiction

stop smoking
yes, we need to try, until the ultimatum is to stop trying, and just do it


A friend keeps saying he’s going to try to quit smoking. I said “You are or you aren’t. There is no try.” Tough love? The truth? Hell yeah. Been there, done that.

Same with becoming and staying physically active. We must break our addictions. Inactivity is an addiction. There, I’ve said it.

This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog