Three life-altering wellness questions

Three life-altering wellness questions:

  1. Why do we feel un-deserving?
  2. Why do we worry what others think?
  3. What’s our responsibility to be an excellent example?

Tomorrow, a bonus question that almost always goes unanswered, making the answers above irrelevant

But for now… like the sensei said, we grab for what is there, but refuse to hold on – here’s what that means.


Here’s the place to shop for the creative solution we need for lasting change

Here’s the place to shop for the creative solution we need for lasting change. Ask different questions. The same worn-out questions we ask, yield the same well-worn detrimental answers.

Most common response I hear, “But if I knew what questions to ask… I could finally get somewhere positive”. Tomorrow, three questions that changed me forever…

But for today, did Sandy Hook happen because of this simple cultural concept and failure?


All or nothing is a really easy way to remember your part of the wellness equation

In our lifetimes, we will make up, hear, and share roughly a goo-gillion excuses why we can’t exercise today, or tomorrow, or until yada-yada-yada is taken care of.

Spinning our stumbling blocks into tangible and intangible belief systems perpetuates the opposite of wellness.

Not until we’re illuminated with this profound insight do our lives begin to change – wellness is all or nothing.

We deserve better than we’re treating ourselves.

And there’s really no reason to not move forward.

Let’s say we take decent care of our bodies. Then here’s what’s next… our emotional and spiritual center, click here.

Wellness: does it come down to this simple, but profound logic?

Most of us are on Facebook, but not so many on Twitter. Just read a Tweet about believing in God or not. The tweet said, It’s all or nothing.

Wellness: does it come down to this simple, but profound logic? All or nothing? After 53 years, I’m sayin’, yes! And praying this makes sense to you, and you, well, you know…

Crazy, but I write five different blogs everyday. The next one is about knowing what’s at the center of our emotional, spiritual core, click here.

If you tell me, I’ll never remember

photo of major league drum set
doesn’t matter if common sense has been pounded into us. what matters is using it.


How does a person stay motivated for an entire lifetime? It’s brutally difficult. Everyone gets this. If handed the motivational secrets on a silver platter, we’ll never remember them.

Yet, if wellness secrets are revealed to us in what looks like a potentially boring, repetitive, self-absorbed story (like yesterday) and we discover our “aha” moment, we’ll never forget.

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This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog