The skinny guy said something we rarely hear, but somehow can’t disagree with

Spring Grove, PA High School class of 1977 35th reunion photos
Yo, you, yeah, the 2nd from left in front row, pay attention


The skinny guy, late 50’s, said something we rarely hear, but somehow can’t disagree with.

He said, “I’m down to 183. You know the last time I weighed 183? I was 20 years old.”

“And you know”, he continued, “they say what we weighed when we were 20 is probably our ideal weight.”

If this is true, it’s time for me (front row, 2nd from left) to drop 15 pounds.

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Basic yoga for dummies video was better than expected

It was early Sunday morning, January 6, about 100 days ago. Remember?

Not likely, right?

But we can remember, like we remember every year in January, there’s an opportunity to start with a fresh slate, a blank canvas, a renewed focus.

Our health is something we don’t intend to neglect, it’s just that life gets so busy. Can I get an amen for “life gets so busy”?

Odds are most of us, mostly because we’re human, have fallen away from our 100-day old ambition.

That’s where this video comes in…  Basic yoga for dummies video was better than expected:



Don’t forget…

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Four actions to take when we are struck by a blinding flash of the obvious

Walking bridge near Celebration, Florida
Going for an outside walk during work is highly under rated


maple leaves in Spring
Notice the little things, simple things, and notice their sophistication


Four actions to take when we are struck by a blinding flash of the obvious (BFO):

  1. be still, and receive the BFO gratefully
  2. smile and laugh at it’s obviousness and our glaring blindness
  3. embrace the fear we feel that we’ll (yet again) ignore this moment, like we always do
  4. act in a way that makes us feel uncomfortable, but good, and do something different

There we have it. Easy as pie.

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