Wait, don’t tell me

Map My Run screen shot
Yesterday, September 11, a Friday.


If people knew how hard i worked to live vibrantly, they wouldn’t think is was so magical after all.

The time is going to pass whether we exercise or not.

Why not exercise?

The last day we exercise is the healthiest we will ever be for the rest of our lives.

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Daily creativity is under rated

Windermere Prep School signage
This morning before sunrise.


In order to run before sunrise i had to postpone writing until mid-morning – while our son was at the Dentist. Writing this post in the waiting room is less comfortable than in my second floor office facing east, and facing the daily sunrise.

Because i knew in advance this morning would be challenging, i had already prepped myself for working differently.

By the way, the 8-miler (before sunrise) was nice and easy and included 800 meters of walking on either end.

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Hot, still, humid air can flood our ambition

September sunrise near Walt Disney World
Yesterday, 30 minutes of walking before sunrise.


Even though it was dark when i walked down the driveway to begin a Monday morning run yesterday, the air was anything but cool.

First i said, “i’ll walk 800 meters to warmup, get loose, and get motivated”.

At 800 meters, i extended it to a one mile warmup walk, and even before the first mile was done, i knew what was going to happen.

i was going to say, “i don’t feel like running today. i’ll just do the same amount of time, but walk instead of run. It will be good to cross-train”.

Every avid runner struggles with the same things every other (rookie) runner struggles with.

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