Tiger Woods Update?

Tiger Woods was on the local news last night as I was reading, writing, and enjoying the laughter, chatter, and sometimes tension between my son and his “cousin”, as they played a few feet away.

Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer I’ve ever seen.  He’s a Dad just like me.  We go to the same gym, for the same reasons.

But do I have an update on Tiger Woods?  Not a chance.

I once asked Tiger Woods, “Do you ever get tired of being famous?” Without hesitating, he replied, “Since day one.”

It’s beyond my comprehension why others worry about what happened with such urgency and importance.  And it confuses me why we don’t, generally speaking, have the same concern and focus on the people that mean the most to us.

PS. Heading to the gym today for the first time all week.  Maybe Tiger wants to talk to me. Yeah right.  🙂

Exercise Fitness Wellness

Exercise.  Fitness.  Wellness.  Flexibility.  Strength.  Cardiovascular.

Blood pressure. Resting heart rate. Good cholesterol.  Bad cholesterol. Body Mass Index.  Triglycerides.

Those words should mean something.  So should these.

Determination.  Perseverance. Tenacity. Hope. Dreams. Persistence. Motivation.  Inspiration.  Courage.

Focus.  Discipline.  Results.  Good habits.  Bad habits.  Dreams. Goals. Success.

If not today, when?  It’s up to you.  Always has been.  Always will be.  Carpe diem.

Did the Pilgrims Exercise?

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

This made me laugh when the thought came to mind, “Did the Pilgrims exercise?”

Next thought was, “Who cares, right?”

And then, “Their whole life was exercise.”

And finally, “How selfish is it to live a life of ease?”

Ya with me?

Exercise Change Leadership?

Change leadership.  Personal leadership.  Great Leaders use these buzzwords.  And why not?  They sound inspiring and focused.

All with a simple purpose – to make things better. And it’s harder than ever to make things better.

So, how can we make things better?

What if we restated the beginning phrases:

  1. Transformational change
  2. Transformational leadership

And it all starts with the person in the mirror.  And next it starts with a commitment to get healthy and stay healthy.

Ya in?