How Are Your 2010 Health Goals?

What Motivates Them?
What Motivates Them?

Are your 2010 Health and Fitness goals still burning inside you?

Or has the fire of your resolution started to cool?

Or maybe there’s a feeling of being somewhere in the middle – not on fire and not ready to quit, but stuck.

Today, simply by looking around you everywhere, you will see that the hardest thing to do is to be a great example.

Why is that?

Hungry For Change Food Inc

Hungry For Healthy Change?
Hungry For Healthy Change?


That’s all I can say.

Most, if not all of Lane 8’s focus has been centered around exercise, with hints and glimpses of diet and nutrition.

You care about your health. We all do. But if you are seriously interested in taking more control of your destiny, you really should watch this movie trailer.

I know you’re busy.  We’re all busy. But when you have people who are advocates for a better way, they actually do much of the ground work, so all you have to do is click “play”.

It’s short.  It’s powerful. It’s relevant. It premieres June 12.  The analogy is the same as what passionate people did to expose the tobacco industry, after decades of total political protection.

The food processing industry should be one of the next big targets to put in the cross hairs.

Click here.

Reader’s Wisdom Shared

Poison or Passion?
Poison or Passion?

“Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable.  It may get tough.” 2006 Fortune Cookie

A Lane 8 reader commented recently that part of her motivation, as she was training for a Marathon, came from a fortune cookie saying.

Had to read it several times.

Each time, it got better.  Each time it had more power. Each time it made indomitable will seem more like an antidote than a pain.

Be willing to be uncomfortable.

Be comfortable being uncomfortable.

So Then What Happened?

USA Team Jacket
USA Team Jacket

So the second week, I ran two mailboxes a day. Third week, three mailboxes a day.

Yes, many of you have heard this before.  Which is one of the secrets to excellent results – repetition.  Never get tired of doing the basic, common sense things.

Stories are critical to perpetuating past success and moving to even greater success. You already knew that right?

Eventually, the goals became impossible, but their pursuit was compelling.

What’s fascinating is how intense it was to rise to the level of representing the United States at the 2009 Master’s Track & Field World Championships, without anyone knowing.

Neighbors. Family. Work. Ten years. Ten years of dedicated, relentless effort.

Invisible to everyone around me. For a decade.

Now, neighbors know.  And Family knows. Yet to this day, most where I work have no idea.

And so the question today is this, “What is your impossible goal and will you persue it without any fanfare or glory, but just for the sake that it’s a noble goal?”

Lane 8 Behind the Scenes


Hello everyone. Hope you had a healthy week.  It’s challenging isn’t it?

Diet and exercise.  Sounds so simple.

Then why are we an obese society? An unhealthy society? Why?

Can someone help explain why this is so, and even more compelling, why we as a society, just put our heads in the sand and pretend like it doesn’t exist?  Why we pretend like it’ll go away if we ignore it long enough?

It’s a grand wish that our son (9) will get and stay healthy as a lifetime goal. With Inflammatory Bowel Disease, he’s 20 times more likely to develop colon cancer than the average person.

Last time I looked, colon cancer is bad news.

Lane 8 is a metaphor for life.  For trying your best to do important things – like lead a healthy life.

And it started over a decade ago, with me running one mailbox a day for a week.

As my health improved, my desire to maintain it became harder to find.