Respect the running community

Running event traffic sign
From the photo archives when i used to be able to run.

Respect the running community.


They hold, perpetuate, and guard the childlike energy kids possess after kids learn how to walk.

After a kid learns to walk without any education, a kid learns to run.


Because they see other kids doing it and walking gets boring after a while. Why not do what the older kids are doing?

And think of it this way, if you’re a senior citizen (or just someone who’s been out of high school for a few years)…

You’re an older kid now in your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s plus.

Because running for your whole life ought to be as motivating as it was when you first learned how to run as a young child.

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At what point do adults shun regular exercise?

Basketball score board
Day to day, do you keep score?


It dawned on me last night as we watched the High School basketball game – many of the parents were athletes when they were in high school.

Every athlete on the floor last night played with lightning-fast reflexes and boundless energy.

At what point do adults shun regular exercise?


And what would their world be like if they didn’t?

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Dear younger me

Father and son
Yesterday, leaving school after Cross Country practice. He’s 16, i’m 57. He’s the master of the poker face.


Dear younger me,

You will be tempted by the devil to put off getting into good and decent physical condition. You will over come this, eventually, but it will take decades. In fact, you won’t become fully committed until you turn 40.

The devil will get pissed and then go all out to tempt you to believe you’re good to go. Meaning, now that you’re in decent shape, you can start to miss a few days here and there. Don’t fall for it. Too many missed days become an insidious habit that eventually sends you to the place you were before you started.

PS. By staying committed for a lifetime, you will be able to help your unborn child between his 15th and 16th birthdays to start his physical wellness journey by running with him – you will be 56 when this commences.


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