Everyone Deserves Balance In Their Life

Be one. For yourself. You more than deserve it.

Bad habits unwittingly sabotage our odds for work life balance. We don’t develop bad habits on purpose. But what we accept by default becomes our standard, even if it has negative outcomes.

The most important goal then, is to reverse the process. I finally had a conversation with myself and said, “If you know this, why aren’t you changing?”

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A Different Way To measure Work Life Balance

Most people contemplate "Y" balance is important. Sadly, few deliver on it. "Y"?

Balance is often wrongly measured in time spent doing different things. I propose it’s more about the energy spent, not time. For example, we can’t exercise anywhere close to the hours we work each day. But we can make sure that we are consistently exercising every week, 20-60 minutes each time. And by consistently, I mean 3-5 days a week. Every week. All year long. Year after year.

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Do You Subscribe To This Key To Balance?

In a perfect world, what does balance look like in your life?

There is one key to balance and only one, no matter what any guru tells you. Here’s the crazy thing, most people completely disregard it. You don’t need a guru, or even me, to tell you how to achieve balance.

All you have to do is ask yourself a simple question, “Do I feel like there is a decent semblance of work life balance in my day to day life?”

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