It happens quickly in one direction

Orlando Based Wellness Keynote Speakers


(photo: yesterday before lunch at Team Disney… the convenience of a centralized employee wellness center minutes from home.)

It happens quickly in one direction.

A bit like a wildfire during a drought on a windy day.

Gaining weight happens easily and quickly for most of us.

Not a fan.

Struggling like most others, even if it never seems so.

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A new worry to worry about (and slay)

Orlandos Best Disney Keynote Speakers


(photo: Walt Disney World Resort’s Team Disney building… site of yesterday’s meeting and lunch)

A new worry to worry about (and slay).

Gaining weight from being home too much and eating because of stress.

Five new pounds in the first ten days of retirement.

The good news? Was down to 153. So in reality, only up two.

Whatever, right?

Imagine getting to a place where you can feel the difference in two pounds – either way.

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Be the artist you know you deserve

Disney Monorail station timeclock


(photo: Even at 55 years old, we can thrive more vibrantly than people half our age.)

Could feel it before stepping on the scale. Two extra pounds gained in one day.

Seems insignificant. There is an art to optimizing the temple housing everything keeping us alive.

The art is in the daily tending.

Can you feel that difference as soon as you wake up?

What if you could?

Be the artist you know you deserve.

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Challenging enough when conditions and schedules are predictable

Midlife Celebration book in Portland


(photo: A wonderful Christmas present will be freedom to promote this with zero restrictions)

It’s challenging enough when conditions, schedules, and routines are fairly predictable on our home turf…

It is so challenging to find time to run or go to a gym while traveling.

This is what makes each of us a champion.

Our ability to pick ourselves up after every fall.

Every single one.

Wondering how the life transition of retiring will affect this.

And enjoying a new low weight (in the past 10 years) at 153.5… this morning’s run, on home turf, will be slow and savory.

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USA team jersey


(photo: Official USA team jersey, used in 2009)

This post is about you, even though it may not seem so until the bottom.

Numbers are important for many different reasons.

But only if we place importance or significance on them.








Zip code.



A number not felt in five years.

And in 2009, the competition weight was 151.

Insight: Find a million ways to stay motivated.

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