Warning – Gas bubble in eye

Green health warning bracelet
Removed this from my wrist, without doctor approval, because i saw the gas bubble disappear.

It’s only impossible until you do it the first time.


This morning’s brief sunrise walk validated my improving vision. Still a bit foggy but hugely better than one week ago.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Retina, i love you

Retina photograph
John said my retina looks exactly like it’s supposed to.

What will you see when can no longer see?


Was able to see the very top, single letter on the eye chart. Not a top-line letter. The only letter. The biggest letter. The letter that fills the chart. It’s giant.

After 10 seconds, i guessed it was an E.

While i would never bet my life on it, it was my best guess.

i was correct.



Note: The two previous exams i didn’t even know i was in a room with walls.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Eye surgery update, body

Walked four miles yesterday.


No exertion.

Couch potato pace.

Decided to water the palm trees, without exerting myself. Another four miles walking without leaving our yard.

This morning Cheryl and i walked four miles together. Same drill, slow pace.

Another four miles in the yard.

Back to back eight-mile days.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Healthy mindset

NOAA hurricane Idalia tracking screen shot
NOAA hurricane Idalia tracking screen shot. Note the red circles. At 5am, with 130mph winds, landfall is an hour away.

Healthy living facilitates physical resiliency. Physical resiliency mitigates stress, and accelerates illness and injury recovery.


Hurricane Idalia should have been our second hurricane we weren’t home for, since 1982. Hurricane Ian was the first, less than a year ago.

Emergency eye surgery August 17 (13 days ago) cancelled my August 19 return to Glacier.

So far we have not experienced any adverse weather. Heading out soon for the drive downtown.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

And so it goes, physically

10-second video: Heading to where it all began 50 years ago.

Life is a constant dance with opposites.


It has been over 24 hours since yesterday’s one-week post op exam.

Spent the entire time (99%) inside.

No moving tree-watering hoses. No weed pulling. No nuthin’.

Doctor’s orders.

Note: It’s an uncomfortable way to spend 24 hours.

As they say about sacrifice, “i’m taking one for the team”.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.