Wish it didn’t look so easy

work life balance expert
America’s work life balance expert makes it look easy, kinda magical, effortless


I’m constantly fighting the battle with health, particularly my weight and cholesterol.

Some months are easier to maintain wellness. While other times (of every year) require everything I can muster – to not quit.

Just wish what I do didn’t look so easy and natural to the folks observing from afar.


This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog


You intimidate people he said

milwaukee ale house
life on the road... Spring 2012... Milwaukee is famous for beer
Milwaukee Ale House
seven small beers is considered a flight.... smoke and mirrors perhaps

A casual comment at the Gold’s gym a few years back has stayed with me without even trying because it shocked me… it revealed a blind spot. I intimidate people? That’s what Joe said.

Told my friend last night that drinking for me is either everyday or not at all. Do you have any idea what type of indomitable will that requires? Intimidating, apparently.

Next Blog

Show Off?

We're All Dying. Figure It Out.
We're All Dying. Figure It Out.

Here’s what happened yesterday. I wrote a Lane 8 blog post. Been doing that everyday for the past year.

Plus, there was You Tube video to illustrate what a slow and steady approach to diet and exercise can do.

The key to slow and steady is not quitting.


One-third who read and watched were inspired.

One-third could really care less one way or the other.

And one-third said to themselves, “Showoff“.

Sad, but true.