Running and Biking mashup

Running and Biking mashup.

Stopped running three months ago and replaced the cardio with biking.

This is the longest i’ve refrained from running since 1999.

Last month’s MRI showed my right ankle and foot are normal.

So, using Disney creativity, i’m trying massage therapy, which is an angle i’ve always thought of but never thought i could invest in. Massage Envy is my partner and i’m only one massage into it.

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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Will 2017 be the year of a definitive diagnosis?

2009 Masters Track & Field World Outdoor Championships
Competed in 2009. Training for 2019 Worlds.


Will 2017 be the year of a definitive diagnosis?

Chronic lower right calf and right ankle pain has never been diagnosed.

i’d like to change that.

i will change it.

So i start 2017 by pushing harder for the answer.


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This website is about our BODY. To read posts about our SPIRIT, click here.


11 months ago you couldn’t run 100 meters

Windermere Prep Cross Country 2016
Almost go time for all (boys and girls) JV runners.


Windermere Prep Cross Country 2016
Runners to your mark…


Windermere Prep Cross Country 2016


Windermere Prep Cross Country 2016
You’ve learned the multiple benefits of making your first mile your slowest.


Windermere Prep Cross Country 2016
Next up, you’ll learn how to maintain the second mile pace without falling off the first mile pace. First mile in 10:30 was 30 seconds ahead of target time (11 minutes). Fell slightly off pace by 17 seconds but still netted a 43 second gain against 2-mile game-plan.


Windermere Prep Cross Country 2016
You’re learning to gradually pick up your pace over the last 800 meters. Finish line is one minute away.


Windermere Prep Cross Country 2016
Well under your previous PR of 33:40.


Remember 11 months ago you couldn’t run 100 meters?


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This website is about our BODY. To meditate on posts about our SPIRIT, click here.


Dear running

Running on red dirt road
Photo taken an hour after this post was written this morning. Our son running by himself because he is the slowest runner on the team. i was walking with another parent.


Dear running,

Thank you for teaching me that attitude plays a critical role in physical wellness. it’s a simple lesson you taught me that is literally the game-changing reason why today, at 57, i remain a runner active.

You are easily transportable, meaning you are available anywhere as long as i have running shoes. i’ve learned to make running shoes my primary footwear and it’s easy to carry running shorts in a backpack (or suitcase – i have traveled extensively the past dozen years.

You have also taught me to love mornings.

And you have gifted me with this mantra:

Dream Big  •  Get There  •  Stay There

Slaying excuses, allocating time, and finding a million reasons to stay motivated are the three non-negotiables for lifetime wellness.


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This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Organized just enough to do a few remarkable things

Central Florida thunderstorm
Last night’s cross country practice was 30-minutes from school.


Organized just enough to do a few remarkable things. All Summer long, i focused on taking it one day at a time, preparing a 15-year old to be much better prepared than last year to start his second year at his new school.

Things like last night’s Cross Country practice at Red Dirt Road are success indicators.




This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.