A leader pursues a wellness frontier

Disney keynote speakers
Like it was yesterday.

A leader pursues a wellness frontier. A manager pursues a wellness checklist.

How do i stay motivated to be active for a lifetime versus fussing over the best color for exercise shoes.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

How far from acceptable

quote about aging and caring
The quote and the image may not match. Social media is still a frontier concerning accuracy with facts, copyrights, etc.

How far from acceptable standards are you willing to go?


To the paradoxical other end of 100% acceptable.

The extra-inch versus the extra-mile.

Mid Life Celebration versus Mid Life Crisis.

Balance is not a myth versus balance is a myth.

When you change what you see, what you see changes.

Never look at what works. We already know it works, why it works, and the results.

Always look at what no one has tried, why no one has tried it, and potential results.

Remember, it’s only impossible until you do it the first time.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Do not marry your sofa

Apple Watch fitness screen
The pace includes multiple stops to do assorted exercises. Logged 7.5 miles before returning home.

Do not marry your sofa.

Marry the miracle you call your body.

A sofa is a place to sit, not a place to live.

A Fortune Podcast, Leadership Next, interviewed Adrian Gore who founded an insurance company in South Africa two years after Nelson Mandela left prison. His company, Discovery, aims to incentivize people with lower premiums based on better personal health. The healthier you are, the less you pay. Yesterday, he shared these compelling statistics:

4/4/60: Four behavioral choices (including not valuing the future) lead to four conditions which drive 60% of deaths. Eating badly, physically inactive, smoking, and drinking.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Door to door sales

Wild Goose Island
GNP. Wild Goose Island closeup at dawn.

The closing of a door can bring blessed privacy and comfort — the opening, terror; conversely, the closing of a door can be a sad and final thing — the opening a wonderfully joyous moment.

Andy Rooney

Never let your memories be bigger than your dreams.


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Bury the money too

Disney Keynote Spakers

I’ve never seen a Brink’s truck follow a hearse to the cemetery.

Barbara Hutton

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