Less is better than more

Apple Watch fitness app
Walked 14 miles yesterday and to give my feet a rest i chose to bicycle this morning. As i write this at lunchtime today, i’ve walked 3 miles in the yard doing yardwork. Now it’s time to get ready to celebrate Independence Day.

Less is better than more.



Less excuses is better than more excuses.

Less complaining is better than more complaining.

Paradoxically, more movement is better than less movement.

More sleep is better than less sleep.

More nutrition is better than less nutrition.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Agree or disagree

 Christmas tree
That’s a lot of stuff.

Find a million ways to get and stay physically vibrant.


Since our son was a toddler i’ve reminded him that somewhere about half the time i feel like exercising and the other half of the time i don’t.

Figure it out is what i always tell myself.

It’s all on me.

Same with you.

Same with everyone.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy at Massage Envy (ME).

ME has a new meaning based on yesterday’s 90-minute therapy session.

It dawned on me yesterday that the reason for the two to three massages a month is because of ME.

ME…Massage Extravagance.

Meanwhile there is continued daily bombing of Ukraine, a rising civilian death toll and an astronomically insane refugee count (over 3-million and growing).

It is easy to feel guilt and embarrassment during the physical therapy sessions.

But then the ME (massage extravagance) reality that ME (Massage Envy) was inappropriately charging me every month for 24 months.

What began months ago, well before any sign of war, was just a guy trying to use up the two-year’s worth of credits that ME refused to refund – not even refund half.

Been in and out of running (slowly) pain-free. When a pain flareup happens, Michelle does her therapy magic on the hot spot. So far it’s working.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Be active

Animals live in a 24/7 gym. Being active is a matter of life or death.

Trust your actions, not your intentions.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Even when it’s freezing?

Two AC units one covered in frost
The 30-year old unit covered in frost. The newer unit is unaffected.

You rarely hear me complain about freezing temperatures.


Because we made a conscious decision to live where cold temperatures are rare. Hence the complaint rarity.

This morning we awake to 35 degrees.

Reminded of and reflecting on how living someplace where this is common for months at a time is never an option for us.

Do what you should do, when it should be done, even if it’s hard.

Waking to year-round sub-tropical temperatures makes today’s exception a rare inconvenience, not a lifelong pain in the butt.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.