I Only Preach What I Know And I Only Know What I Study, Discern And Practice

Insanity, PX90, crash courses. Unsustainable. An alternative involves your deep belief in your worth and your creativity to stay motivated. Like yesterday:

Track Shack’s 20th Watermelon 5k had 31,00 runners/walkers. Aimed for a sub 22:00.

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Are You Ready, Willing And Able to Say Goodbye To Your Old Self?

….um, uh, hello (awkward)….

Old self, meet new self. New self, say goodbye to old self.

Big difference between looking “good” and being in good physical condition. Losing weight is a great start, and really the jumping off point for becoming physically active.

Becoming physically active is good, yet we all know it will never last. Not by doing the things we have in the past. But by moving forward in a new way to stay motivated.

You know this. Celebrate your Independence from your old self. Go!

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They Smiled, Laughed, Then Said, You Don’t Need To Worry About Dieting

Is that Debbie and Lenn down there?

Nope, not Debbie and Lenn…

Picture Debbie and Lenn in the break room discussing their diet success. So I say, “How come you never ask me about my diet?” They smiled, laughed, then said, “You don’t need to worry about dieting!”


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Listen, Can We Just Talk Openly & Honestly For A Minute Here?

St Augustine, Florida Fountain of Youth…

If you think you can, and the media falsely promises this, drink some magic potion to become decently healthy, you are, well, downright ignorant.

Hey, I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings. Tomorrow, a story about how angry I get at avoidable ignorance.

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One Mailbox A Day

The same week I started doing one push-up a day, I began running one mailbox a day for the first week. Then two mailboxes a day the second week and so on. Mailboxes are about 100 meters apart here.

The running goal was first, and very simply to “wake everything up” – tendons, ligaments, muscles, cartilage. The pace was slower than a slow walk. Seriously.

After one month, I was very slowly jogging the equivalent of one lap around a school track – 400 meters.

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