What is your health mantra?

Orlando wellness keynote speakers


(photo: Yesterday’s five miler included an 800-meter fast pace. Two of those back to back and you have a six-minte mile.)

What is your health mantra?

Stay healthy, have fun.

Simple? Sure.

Easy? Um, that would be a “no”.

So easy to push ourselves before we are ready. This is how we get injured.

Injuries provide a great excuse to quit.

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Is there anything more wonderful than feeling healthy, happy, and alive?

Disney toys
We are in charge of our own happiness. No one else is. Be creative.


Is there anything more wonderful than feeling healthy, happy, and alive?


Tomorrow when you wake up tell yourself at least ten times:

I feel happy. I feel healthy. I feel alive.

Do it. Trust in the process.

And do it out loud, but not loudly – just a low whisper is fine.

And share what it was like in the comments (if ya feel like it).

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Competing only with ourselves is still a competition

Central Florida Lake and clouds from Delta jet
Only 20 minutes from landing and being able to sleep at home – priceless


Stay healthy. Have fun.

Competing only with ourselves is still a competition.

Will take anything near 22:10 in this morning’s Windermere Run Among The Lakes 5k.

Yesterday’s long trip home from Winnipeg was safe and easy.

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