Remember, Please Don’t Take jeff noel’s Thinking Personally

Ok, Have Thought About It And Don't Get It. 🙁

To say jeff noel is a thinker might be a huge understatement. Most midlife adults medicate and distract themselves from the obvious truth – to stay relatively healthy, we must work hard at it. There is no other alternative.

So what jeff noel said yesterday, don’t take it personally.

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jeff noel Will No Longer Feel Sorrow For People Who Can’t Find Time, Desire or Urgency

Boats were not meant to stay in the harbor

It’s official, jeff noel is no longer going to feel sorrow for readers who can not find time, desire or urgency to read through all five daily midlife celebration blogs. To think that working on life’s five basics every day is too much is like asking for life to be easy.

There’s about three percent of the human population who gets the interconnectedness and critical balance for Life’s (5) Big Choices to integrate and weave together seamlessly. jeff noel writes specifically for you.

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What The?

What the?

What the heck? Dear readers, change is in the air for jeff noel. It’s in the air for us all, isn’t it? It’s always there. The challenge, especially if you’re nearing, entering or in midlife, is that we have numbed ourselves, as a society, into not worrying about our health. (if we were worried, we take action, right?)

What the?

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If You Promise Not To Take jeff noel’s Messages Personally, He’ll Work Hard Not To Be Obnoxious

The Work Bus In The Sky, Delta Airlines

The photo above caught Mid Life Celebration founder, jeff noel, off guard. Why isn’t it in focus? Should he use it in today’s blog post? Will readers get it?

And then noel thought, there are many things people don’t get. Don’t let that stop you from doing what you feel is right (or necessary). Who writes five daily, differently themed blogs anyway. And I mean, for like 882 days straight. Obnoxious.

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Aha, September Is Here And No One Warned Us

Pssst, did you know summer is almost over?

September is upon us, and the shorter days and cooler temps are quickly going to test our mettle. jeff noel hopes you had better-than-expected Summer physical activity results and that you are positioning yourself for the Fall and Winter.

Lane 8 is one of five daily blogs jeff noel writes for Midlife Celebration. If you’re a runner, fitness buff, or desiring to increase your sense of wellbeing – maybe that’s why you’re here. Besides Lane 8’s focus on diet, exercise, rest and work life balance, noel writes four other blogs about Life’s (other) Big Choices – unusual concept.

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