Man She Can Cook

Want to eat a healthier diet?  Who doesn’t, right?  Duh!

Well, it’s hard to do, that’s why so many of us, myself included, don’t.

However, I have been very impressed watching a friend develop herself into an extraordinary internet, radio and TV presence.

Her daughter and our son have attended the same school for several years.  We see each other at the school functions and sometimes in the local community.

Where I see her most though is Facebook.  And today it comes as no surprise.  She’s a Guest Blogger for the Orlando Sentinel Food Section.

Fiber, The Good Carbohydrate

Do you enjoy seeing old friends you haven’t seen in a while?

How does that feel to you?  Exciting and fun?  Or, dreadful, and a lot of work?

Isn’t it wonderful to spend a few moments getting caught up?

And how many times, when you bumped into your old friend like this do you say, “Wow, you look great, what have you done with yourself?

Almost without exception they say something like this, “I started exercising and watching what I eat.”

Two tips today:

  1. Exercise should start slow and steady (not too much, too soon)
  2. Fiber is one of the overlooked keys to losing weight (read why)

Maybe the next time you run into an old friend you’ll hear, “Wow, you look great!

No Seriously, Do You?

What If You Wait Three More Years?
What If You Wait Three More Years?

Good health, meaning proper (not perfect) diet, regular (not compulsive) exercise, and adequate (consistent) rest are the keys to good health.

Good health doesn’t fall from the sky.

Good health isn’t going to get easier as you get older.

Good health isn’t going to wait until you have more time.

Good health is hard to come by.

Do you want it?

No seriously, do you?

Hey Skip, what do you think?

Encourage Everyone To Be Active
Encourage Everyone To Be Active

The people at the gym who inspire me the most are in two categories.

People older than 50.

People who look desperate to become active.

Many of the over-50 demographic were once the latter, desperate to get (and stay) well.

In 1999, i was desperate.

My college roommate, Skip Gaskill, offers insight and encouragement. Skip’s challenging you to do the same. Take it away Skip:

Have you ever seen an obese person out jogging or walking in an unquestionable attempt to get control of their health?

If you did what did you do?  Did you say anything?  Did you smirk or make a fat joke?

Or did you go out of your way to encourage them to keep up the fight?

Next time you see someone like this (hopefully while you are out exercising as well) tell them the following:

Congratulations!  You’re doing great!  Keep up the good fight and never quit!

You might buy them another quarter mile or uplift their spirit enough to help them finish what they started.

Who knows…you might even feel better about yourself.