Truth or dare?

Sean White at Sochi Opening ceremony
Our goals don’t have to be of Olympic proportions, but they do need to stir our souls


Truth or dare?


Dare you to tell the truth?

Ok, truth be told, without a serious goal and coupled with our seriously busy lives, our exercise routines will be very challenging to believe in.

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Happy New Lies?

New Years Resolutions
Photo lifted from a New Year’s Day FB update…


Happy New Lies?

What if the resolution in the photo said:

Be healthy in 2014?

How many lies will we tell ourselves over the course of our lives?

When will we say enough is enough. No more lying, only doing.

Fall down seven, get up eight.


Never, right?

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Impossible is only a word used to brainstorm excuses.

Hoop dee foo Musical Review at Disney World
What do opening ceremonies look like for your big moments?


Saw the first Olympic Winter Games commercial last night.


To be alive.

To be really, truly, fully alive.

And to push yourself and see what you’re made of and watch how far it takes you.

And to possibly inspire a team, a tribe, a Country, or even the world.

Impossible is only a word used to brainstorm excuses.

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