Plan Ahead

Often, to keep it simple, less is more…

Life is good. Life is crazy busy too. Here’s what I do to plan ahead for a healthy year. I start at year end with a calendar for the upcoming year:

  1. List all upcoming health checkups, routine or otherwise
  2. Brainstorm when they can be scheduled, looking at big picture
  3. Make the calls to schedule them
  4. Advise work & Family

This is step one. Simple, but not easy. Procrastination is the devil.

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Funny Things Those Resolutions

Gyms Will Be Packed the 1st Three Weeks In January
Gyms Will Be Packed the 1st Three Weeks In January

Is life really difficult, or is it just me?

We work so hard sometimes, and what do we get?


No thank you. No atta girl, or atta boy. No, “Hey, we really appreciate what you do around here”.


As you make your New Year’s Resolution for better health, be mindful of this.

And find a radical way to overcome it.

Nothing you’ve done in the past has worked.

Go for it. Be crazy creative. You deserve it. Thank you for getting prepared.

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