Can you do an 8-miler before heading to Montreal?

Epcot Early Morning hours rope drop.
Yesterday, Epcot Early Morning hours rope drop.


Epcot Early Morning hours
Yesterday, Epcot Early Morning hours.


Can you do an 8-miler before heading to Montreal?

Have been thinking about how to pull this off this morning, knowing that i need to be out the door at 7:45am for Orlando International airport.

Bags packed last night? Check.

All other logistics taken care of last night? Check.

Ok. Time for a run. Check.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

Six freezing miles

Weather app screen shot
Yesterday morning. It dropped to 30 by the time i started.


October Frost


Dorsey Park
New age selfie yesterday. Dorney Park in the background.


Six freezing miles.

Four upper (chest) body layers.

Two lower (shorts) body layers.

Gloves and a hat.

Keep the vital (heart, lungs) organs warm and sensitive extremities (head, hands) covered, and you don’t need sweat pants.

What’s crazier, running in freezing weather in shorts, or not exercising as we age?




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

Weekends were made for Michelob

weekend bicycling
Yesterday, a Saturday, at school.


Weekends were made for Michelob. A 1977 commercial and it’s tag line made me think about a similar tag line:

Weekends were made for bicycling.

We have been bicycling regularly (though nothing major) throughout the summer. But with the advent of High School, the only time available is on the weekends.

It’s too hot after the sun comes up. And after school is iffy because of common Florida thunderstorms.

So the freshman gets up early on the weekends.

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A hiking we will go

Prolific Disney bloggers jeff noel
Yesterday about 11am.


(Photo: courtesy of Dave Weir, using my other backup iPhone)

Thank you Dave and Nancy Weir for being a great catalyst.

Doubtful i would be blogging from Exclamation Point without your passion to get out and hike.

Hiking for a few hours at Chimney Rock was a great substitute for running.

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