Rest story

Note to self when an idea struck yesterday. After a couple years at Disney Institute (was there 1999-2014), i realized i never again wanted to pursue a promotion.

We know rest is critical for our physical health.

The same concept is easily, and appropriately, transferred to work.

Covid-19 is causing many to be furloughed.

Unemployed – my former colleagues at Disney – are reaping the benefit of maintaining their healthcare benefits for a year.

The downtime, absent of healthcare coverage worries, will be an incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rethink their trajectory and their career ambitions.

Magic happened when, convinced i had found the perfect level of work, there was no longer a desire to climb the proverbial ladder.

The catalyst?

Noticing that none, in my opinion, of the leaders in any level above me had remarkable joy in their life.

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Nice 30-miler

father and son on jet ski
We attended many birthday parties from our child’s circle of pre-school classmates. Photo: 2005 on a lake next to Universal Studios.

Nice 30-miler.

Not in a boat.

On a bicycle.

Can’t recall the last time i rode 30 miles in a day.

Maybe Glacier National Park in June 2019.

Or in the mid-1980’s every day to work from our Poinciana home to Disney’s Contemporary Resort for my 4PM – midnight front desk shift.

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No auto pilot

Dried north end of mountain lake in early Fall
Dried north end of mountain lake in early Fall, near Glacier National Park’s Two Medicine area.

Enthusiasm has no auto-pilot.

Exercise, eating well, and resting well build confidence.

Confidence feeds enthusiasm.

Today is not a good day to put your confidence on hold.

Be amazed and be amazing.

And enjoy your activity, and your choices, today and tonight.

Confident you spent yesterday well, and confident you will do it again today.

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Only 22

Disney World horizon from the 429
Walt Disney World horizon from the 429
Disney World horizon from the 429
Walt Disney World horizon from the 429

Only 22 miles yesterday, not a full marathon.

You know what?

Those 22 miles were amazing on a Saturday morning.

Mileage like that is amazing any day of the week.

So grateful to be alive.

So grateful to be active.

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The half marathon morphed to 20

Disney's Contemporary Resort Hotel
Disney’s Contemporary Resort Hotel. Yesterday.

The half marathon morphed to 20 miles.

Had the roadways to myself.



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