Healthy Living Starts Here

Physical Responsibility All Day, Everyday
Physical Responsibility All Day, Everyday

Healthy living starts here, and it starts with you.

Is it on your mind when you wake up?

Is it on your mind all day long?

What if it was?

It’s your physical responsibility to take care of yourself.

Don’t kid yourself, you are in control – no one else will do it for you.

Here’s a timeless thought on spiritual responsibility.

Good Fats, Bad Fats

Image is Everything?
Image is Everything?

This Everyday Health article should help us understand the difference between good fats and bad fats.

Some people count calories. Others watch their portion sizes.

Neither one of these matters much if you’re not considering the good fats and the bad fats.

Where in the book of Life does it say that getting healthy and staying healthy will be easy?

(the 3rd of my 5 daily blogs, click here)

Quit Or Keep Going?

Where would you put your natural tendencies?

“I’m a quitter.’


“I never give up!”

Do you understand momentum? Do you really understand how it works?

Once you figure this out, your transformation will move forward, but not before then.

One foot in front of the other. Day after day. There is no other way.

Let’s review.



Keep going.

Scroll down for yesterday’s post or click jeff

12 Reasons You May Not Be Losing Weight

Some Are Good, Some Are Bad
Some Are Good, Some Are Bad

Everyday Health is a great resource for health, diet, exercise and wellness article, like this one on 12 reasons you may not be losing weight.

People I’ve known for years don’t think I need to worry about this.

I worry about it every day, which is why it looks like I don’t.

(next blog)