August. Sunday. jeff noel You Tube videos. Short. One-take. Real.
Here’s today’s 67-second video from Florida Hospital rehab center entitled “Why Exercise”.
Motivation is like a fire. We must continuously add fuel to it or it’ll go out. Duh!
Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
August. Sunday. jeff noel You Tube videos. Short. One-take. Real.
Here’s today’s 67-second video from Florida Hospital rehab center entitled “Why Exercise”.
Motivation is like a fire. We must continuously add fuel to it or it’ll go out. Duh!
This Everyday Health article should help us understand the difference between good fats and bad fats.
Some people count calories. Others watch their portion sizes.
Neither one of these matters much if you’re not considering the good fats and the bad fats.
Where in the book of Life does it say that getting healthy and staying healthy will be easy?
(the 3rd of my 5 daily blogs, click here)
Where would you put your natural tendencies?
“I’m a quitter.’
“I never give up!”
Do you understand momentum? Do you really understand how it works?
Once you figure this out, your transformation will move forward, but not before then.
One foot in front of the other. Day after day. There is no other way.
Let’s review.
Keep going.
Scroll down for yesterday’s post or click jeff
“When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.” — Milan Kundera
Do you struggle with staying committed to exercising regularly and developing good, solid eating habits?
I think one of the main reasons people (fail) struggle, is because they are not leading their efforts with their heart.
Here are 3 health tips to get better at focus and discipline:
These are the 3 health tips for getting better. But no tips for success will work, if you don’t.
(next blog)