USATF Masters National Championships Here We Come

It’s an officially sanctioned USATF Track & Field Meet.

Ever follow a dream where you work so hard, you can almost taste success? But then before you know it, judgement day arrives?

The track officials halted all competition for 8 hours, due to the heat index being too dangerous for older runners. The meet would resume at 8pm.

Are you kidding me? This is almost bedtime.

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It Almost Didn’t Seem Worth It

New pair & old pair of resting foot splints. I wear one on each foot while sleeping – have for a decade!

Spent three months going 2-3 times a week to physical therapy at Florida Hospital Celebration, two blocks from work. Harder than it seems, because of frequent travel.

Almost didn’t seem worth it, all the rescheduling and missed appointments. Would have been easier to quit. Quitting always is the easiest option, isn’t it?

In the end, there was no quitting. And it was time to buy a plane ticket. To Finland.

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Hey, You Talkin’ To Me?

The streets of Lahti, Finland, 2009.

Are you getting this? The whole notion that excuses abound, and courage does not? It often makes me sick to my stomach when people write self-help blogs and we never hear their story?

Tell us your story man. Don’t tell us about some amazing person doing some incredibly inspiring endeavor. That’s everywhere. We need those, and love those.

But if you’re like me, you want to hear it from a different angle. Someplace with a real person, ordinary and average, whose story will never be on the evening news. And whose story sounds like a friend we know.

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Can You Build And Hurry At The Same Time?

World-class business insights can be applied to anything, even running. Spot the runner(s)?

Yesterday the “D” word was dropped: Desire? Destiny? Disney? Determined? Ever wonder if you could you apply corporate lessons to running?

A strong foundation is a critical success factor. Duh! But this is often the first reason we fail. We don’t build a good foundation. Why? Because we’re in a hurry.

So, can you build and hurry at the same time? Maybe.

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What Could You Do If You Had 7 Months?

We learned all the basics in school. Right?

A desire to be well, to keep it simple and stick to the basics kept ringing in one ear. But in the other, a voice, “What could you do if you had 7 months?

Could you make a comeback and be ready by Nationals?

Depending on our life experiences, we’ve been taught (or not) that nothing is impossible. The place I call home and a 27-year career at Disney, have developed a nearly insatiable habit to pursue excellence.

So that’s what happened. The journey began – starting with physical therapy.

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