Yesterday’s post included a You Tube video I shot at Florida Hospital, while going through rehab.
If you don’t have a compelling reason(s) to get healthy and more importantly, to stay healthy, you better go back to school, seriously.
Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
Yesterday’s post included a You Tube video I shot at Florida Hospital, while going through rehab.
If you don’t have a compelling reason(s) to get healthy and more importantly, to stay healthy, you better go back to school, seriously.
Yesterday at the United States of America Track & Field Master’s National Championships, a world age-group record was set in the women’s hammer throw.
If I had been there like planned, you know I would have found her, and with pocket camera rolling, asked, “What motivates you? And, What does it feel like to be a world-record holder? And finally, Any advice to the viewers out there?“
Will you be exercising today?
(scroll down to see next post or click here to go to next blog)
Can you recall some of your childhood dreams?
You know, the ones where nothing was impossible.
An acquaintance told me last week that she has always wanted to be able to do a push up.
Just one.
You know, maybe if she could achieve one, the second one could, quite possibly, come within reach.
Are you waiting for permission?
If you are, you’ll wait forever.
You are the only one who can grant yourself this type of permission.
If you know this to be true, will you still continue to wait for permission to dust off your childhood dreams?
Click here to go to the next blog.
Let’s get back to health basics. Man, this seems so incredibly important, and basic.
Isn’t that what First Lady Michelle Obama clearly articulated in her June 23 White House Press Release?
Here’s the bottom line: We can never tire of the basics.
None of us are really in a position to tell the others what or how they should maintain their health.
But there are some who have found “something” and, “somehow“, to maintain it for over a decade, they are becoming your experts. And you can listen to them or not.
But the one thing you can not do, is deny that these people have accomplished much, simply by using the basics. There are people close to you that you should tap into. Find out what motivates them.
No drugs. No coach. No personal trainer. No easy job providing extra time to exercise. No convenient location next to a gym, a “Y”, or school athletic facilities.
Just a pair of running shoes. Wake up. Lace up. Shut up. Walk to the mailbox. And start running.
Running. Just one of many ways to stay active.
What’s yours?