What is a Christmas Eve type of health?

be an example, not a warning, to those you love
be an example, not a warning, to those you love

What physical present could be more welcomed under a Christmas tree than the gift of good health? Cheryl’s Grammy, all the way to her passing at 93, always said, “Health is wealth“.

May you unwrap the gift of purpose tomorrow morning to guide you for the rest of your life, however long that may be.

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Would running near Disney World ever get old?

Robin Williams on Brooklyn Bridge 2012
Robin Williams on Brooklyn Bridge 2012 (2nd from right, white shirt)

Do you think being able to run near Disney World would be cool? Sure. Right? What about after 13 years?

Ran with camera in hand, hoping to grab a photo of the Space Shuttle as it flew over Magic Kingdom.

Photo above captures the benefit of spontaneous moments while running. The filming of The Angriest Man In Brooklyn.

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Jogging in Central Park before work

Jogging in Central Park before work…

Central Park tranquility

A homeless man (Andrew) to the right…

Central Park tranquility

An accomplished saxophone player to the left…

Central Park tranquility

All three men, it seemed, were just trying to survive. Same for everyone. I run to survive heart disease. And find a million ways to enjoy it so the temptation to quit, because…

  • there isn’t time in the day
  • it’s too hard
  • it’s too boring
  • I’m too tired…

… can be defeated. Over and over and over. And over.

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We will never regret anything as much as this lost opportunity


But smoking calms my nerves in the morning (and afternoon, and evening…)…

We will never regret anything so much as the lost opportunity to get and stay healthy. Never. Please don’t ever give up on managing your wellness because it takes time. The time passes anyway.

“Health is wealth.” – Cheryl’s Grammy

And yes, jump over in an instant to a spiritual nugget by clicking… Next Blog