How happy should we be with our end of the year wellness score card?

photo of Seth Godin's newest book
waiting to get our ducks in a row is just an excuse to not do it

How happy should we be with our end of the year wellness score card? Most of us have found a stealth way of pushing this concept so far back in our consciousness that it’s a non-issue.

Who do we turn to to kick our butt and cheer us on and encourage us as we muster the personal will to change this? Who? Where? Nothing’s worked in the past. Why should 2013 be any different?

Here’s what we could pray for… well, when I say “here”, I really mean to find out click here -> Blog


Do you still remember what your impossible means?

setting high health goals
wishes stay wishes or become life dissatisfiers, if we do nothing

What will it be in 2013? Do you still remember that your impossible doesn’t mean something no one has ever done. It means something you’ve never done.

This could be as impossible as keeping up with your exercise habits for two months in a row instead of one.

Pat yourself on the back if you know that in ten words you can click to go to the Next Blog


It’s simply so much easier to do this than to worry about that

Photo of Seth Godin's newest book
Taking life one day at a time with gusto is challenging

It’s simply so much easier to do this than to worry about that. Driving home from Gold’s Gym last night, reminded my Son that life has seasons. And that lately I don’t feel like going to the gym – more than I actually feel like going.

The unspoken message was that decent wellness is not an option, it’s a necessity. When it’s ridiculously easier to sit around and relax, don’t.

Thursday, December 27 is just like every other day… and I’m so thankful I’m heading over to the Next Blog



Flashback four years ago last month…

dream big, get there, stay there
dream big, get there, stay there
I must do something is always better than something must be done
I must do something is always better than something must be done

Can’t flashback to four years ago today. There were no posts in December 2008 – the only Lane 8 posts were in November. And here’s the second post ever. At this point, The Internet’s Only Five-A-Day Blogger hadn’t crossed my mind. But Finland had.

Next Blog