Run Forrest, run

Make what seems impossible, possible
Make what seems impossible, possible

Forrest Gump was a 1994 classic film about a special boy. He had no idea what he could not do. Because he lacked this knowledge, he proceed to do stuff he didn’t know he was not supposed to be able to do.

Makes me think about staying motivated and active – to remain healthy – for a lifetime. Impossible, no?

Clicking the phrase down to eight minutes takes you, Down to eight minutes to write three posts


New Year, 2013, new goal

fire in the fireplace
A fire in the fireplace the last day of Summer (09.21.12)

Every year it’s the same old goal. And each year it’s a new goal. One and the same really. And yet different. What the?

Work with me here. This will make sense in a second.

Each year, the goal is to stay healthy – regular exercise, adequate rest, sensible eating.

Every year that this successfully happens, we extend our streak by one more year, thus creating a new goal to keep extending our streak for yet another year (into a new goal). Got it?

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A completely under rated way to stay motivated to exercise…

The sunrise is just beginning to touch the West Springfield sign...
The sunrise is just beginning to touch the West Springfield sign…

A completely under rated way to stay motivated to exercise… claim an early morning victory. If I don’t exercise before, or as the sun is coming up, it’s too late. Figure it out. It’s our responsibility.

Have always been a morning person. When I was younger, I used to stay up for it.

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Happy New Year’s Eve America, are we the land of the not so well?

Happy New Year’s Eve America, are we the land of the not so well?

Hard to say. Seems so. Doesn’t it? We won’t win any awards for healthiest Country. Not anytime soon.

On today of all days, the question we might ask is an obvious one:

What do I plan to do about this starting tomorrow?

May all our dreams come true, and may we be prepared to stir things up with ourselves.

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