Yesterday was so small and yet so large

Windermere Running Club 2016
7am meeting at WPS High School, yesterday, June 6, 2016.


Windermere Running Club 2016
Five minutes warm up jog, then walk one lap (here). Stretching, and one-mile time trial.


Breakfast at First Watch Folwer Grove
Celebratory breakfast afterwards.


Yesterday was so small and yet so large.

First day of the Windermere Runner’s Club summer program.

One-mile time trial in 9:50.




On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


This website is about our physical health. To easily and safely leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


Get set…

starting line
the running line I'm talking about is way different than this

The runners have taken their mark at the starting line. Some of the more aggressive Master’s athletes are settling into starting blocks. After a few seconds, the official raises their pistol and shouts, “Get set….”

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Like You Were Asked Yesterday, Are You Stepping Up And Being Recognized?

Each daily victory is a stone in our path to well being (Finland ’09)

Yesterday reminded me, and hopefully you, we need to impress and inspire ourselves.

If all we do is stack one more day onto the pile of days we haven’t quit, we win. Congratulations.

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Dear Son, You Impress Me With Your Effort And Inspire Me With Your Desire

Dear Son, you impress me with your effort and inspire me with your desire.

A special message for the rest of you, as my Father-In-Law says they used to say in WWII (Germany) if they heard a strange sound at night: Advance and be recognized.

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You, The CEO Of You INC, Are You Having Fun Yet?

As the CEO of your life, you have an amazing opportunity to overcome what every human has to overcome – life. Figure it out. That’s what we must do each day. Figure it out.

The past few weeks, been spending some time at the pool, trying to figure it out.

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