Got shovel?

Man planting flowers
Rake, left. Post-hole digger, right. Where’s your shovel?

Looking forward to giving my upper body (whole body to be accurate) a break from nine months of digging, planting, raking, pruning, carrying, and shopping (for plants).

The results are stunning, in my opinion.

Technically, my opinion (and Cheryl’s) is all that matters. Cheryl and i are on the same wavelength.

We took some ‘risks’ to create something we never thought we’d need or want to do.

The exercise has been amazing, challenging, and fun.

Ready to break it up with ‘hiking like we mean it’.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Where Magic Lives

Disney toys
Classic and Pixar. Magic lives in both.

Where Magic Lives.

All day.



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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Serve Disney like you mean it

Disney Culture speaker Jeff Noel
Served fellow Cast Members and their Family and friends at Little Lake Bryan (LLB). LLB was later renamed, more appropriately, to Mickey’s Retreat.

Obviously piggy-backing off of our 51st Walt Disney World anniversary this week.

In my first year, 1982, spent a great portion of it serving fellow Cast Members and their Family and friends.

Learned this profound Disney insight…

No matter who you serve, serve them like you mean it.

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Ukrainian MVP

photo of evening news about Russian war
As of March 15, 2022.
photo of evening news about Russian war
As of March 15, 2022.


Most Valuable Place.

Because of war, no doubt, Ukrainians are crystal clear their most valuable place is their Country.

Their Country is the ‘temple’ housing everything keeping them alive.

Now, over to you.

What about the temple housing everything keeping you alive?

You know, your body.

Are you pleading with others for a ‘no-sitting’ zone?

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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.

Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is


first time homeowners
Context for the location of our first home in 1985. The dark grey area is the Reedy Creek swamp. Our lot was about 100 feet away.


first time homeowners
A small lot compared to our current two-acres, yet compared to the typical lot, we felt like we had acreage with our pie-shaped lot.


pile of checkbook ledgers
Pile of 56 checkbook ledgers from 1984 – 2002.


checkbook ledger
Ledger #1.


checkbook ledger
Ledger 56. We are currently on ledger #77. Our check writing has almost stopped.


burning paper files
Yesterday’s reality – burning hundreds, if not thousands of paper files.


burning paper files
Closeup of the reality. There’s no undoing this.


burning paper files
The tip of the paper-elimination iceberg.


Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.

Motivation is like a fire, you must continue adding fuel or it will extinguish.

So motivated to eliminate clutter, stuff, and unnecessary “baggage”.

Seriously, oh what a relief this has been.

After 8:45am Mass this morning, i’ll spend the rest of this Sunday trying to finish.


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