Not much, but much more than that

Highland Trail Hike
My smile belies my fear.


Highland Trail Hike
A healthy respect for Grizzlies and Black Bears, but no paralyzing fear of Grizzlies.


Highland Trail Hike
The flowers are so small and pretty.


Highland Trail Hike
Well, most of them. Reminded that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Overcoming paralyzing fear is beautiful.


While the two-hour horseback ride and the 1.25 mile hike on the scary part of Highline Trail was not a strenuous workout physically, it did offer a giant leap in overcoming.




This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Cross training National Park style

St Mary Lake boat trip
Sitting on the dock of the bay…no wait…


St Mary Lake boat trip
Little Chief.


St Mary Lake boat trip
St Mary Lake is 11-miles long.


St Mary Lake boat trip
Stunning views.


St Mary Lake boat trip
Awe inspiring.


St Mary Lake boat trip
From the bow, panorama.


St Mary Falls hike
The hike begins to St Mary Falls.


Yesterday our water “taxi” departed at 10:15am. Thirty minutes later, we reached our destination and hiked five miles as a Ranger-led group of 20. We gained 500 feet elevation. Fifty stories up and 50 down.




This website is about our physical health. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s spiritual health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.


Travel home to Walt Disney World

Village Inn at Apgar
Sun just rising over mountains.


Lake McDonald at dawn
Sun not high enough to reach these mountains yet.


Lake McDonald lake rocks
Water’s edge.


Temptation to do too much is always calling when on vacation. No hiking yesterday. It was a planned rest day. This is so insignificant (not really).

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Village Inn at Apgar

Logan Pass sign
Cold and very windy for mid-July.


Highland Trail sign
Very excited for what awaits.


Glacier wildflowers
High altitude meadows welcome the beginning of the trail.


Highline trail
Every trail enters Grizzly habitat.


Highly Trail near Logan Pass


Highly Trail near Logan Pass
Just around the bend was a dangerous proposition.


A deeply engrained lesson from Disney: Safety first.

Only 300 meters into the Highline Trail and we encountered dangerously high winds.

To turn back would be disappointing.

To continue would be potentially life threatening.

Easy choice.

Next Blog

Lake McDonald Lodge Cabin

Swiftcurrent Pass Trail head
Yesterday’s hike began just a mile from Many Glacier Hotel.


Swiftcurrent Pass trail
Contemplating nature?


Swift current Pass trail
Finally used the self-timer.


Swiftcurrent Pass
Red Rock Falls got it’s name from…


Swiftcurrent Pass trail
Red Rock Falls.


Swiftcurrent Pass trail
Near the falls.


Swiftcurrent Pass trail
Moose grazing on Fishercap Lake bottom plants.


Yesterday’s hike was from Swiftcurrent trailhead to Red Rock Falls and back. About five miles, with only a 100 foot elevation gain.

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