From Avalanche Creek to Logan Pass and back is 32 miles roundtrip. Roughly nine miles to the Loop from Avalanche Creek parking. From The Loop the next seven miles is a long steady climb to Logan Pass and The Continental Divide.
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
Sometimes having today’s date on an insignificant chore feels cool. But not as cool as biking 10 extra miles to do an errand.
Today was a bike day.
Thirty minutes into it had an idea to make the last hour more interesting and purposeful.
Biked a decent distance to Pinch-A-Penny. Ten additional miles to get pool water tested is cool on a couple obscure levels.
Life is not one size fits all. Happy that my size fits comfortably.
Hidden insight is having time to bike instead of drive. Bonus insight is being present, mindful and motivated to know (and do) that staying active is a “until death do us part” commitment.
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.