Time well spent by not exercising.

Massive 3,000 person conference kickoff
Opening session kickoff yesterday with nearly 3,000.


Good thing yesterday was an active rest day because the whole day was spent attending day one of a big conference near Walt Disney World.

Spontaneously changed plans and began the day as an uninvited Guest. That quickly changed when i simply asked for permission. It was instantly granted.

And what was initially going to be a half day time investment became a full day.

Time well spent by not exercising.

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Only preach what you practice

Two beds


(photo: looks like rest will be peaceful, and shared)

Work took priority over exercise yesterday. Called an audible because the day prior had seen a strong bike ride and a great core workout at Gold’s Gym.

So yesterday became an ‘active rest’ day.

Only preach what you practice.

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