One thing excuses are guaranteed to do.
Our body is made strong by exercise, not excuses.
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Disney Employee Engagement Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five different sites.
One thing excuses are guaranteed to do.
Our body is made strong by exercise, not excuses.
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Go outside, take a short walk and come back. Bring chips with you if you have to.
Thanks to Midlife Celebration Guest blogger Lorie Sheffer for the feed.
Health Officials Urging Americans To Do Something, Anything For 30 Minutes A Day
We’ve covered mental and physical, now scoot over to emotional (spiritual), click go.
The harsh reality of health awareness. We truly don’t become aware how important good health is until we realize we don’t have it. Health offers a freedom very few realize.
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This month jeff noel is encouraging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. It’s a breeze to go from this physical health blog to the spiritual health blog, just click -> go to Next Blog
Maybe the lady at Gold’s Gym was right. Many of us (too many in fact) don’t feel deserving of great health.
So we sabotage our attitude, our efforts, our joy.
After speaking with someone yesterday, their unworthy attitude, and their sabotaging, well, looked as real as ever.
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The pressure to stay healthy is so great we find a millions ways to do this.
When it’s cold, we bundle up. When it’s hot, we shed cloths. When we’re thirsty, we drink.
When the pressure is unbearable to keep up, we make excuses, and then integrate them into our daily living.
And then we pretend changing doesn’t matter.
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