How is it possible to go another year not exercising he said to himself?

Mid Life Celebration movement founder jeff noel
Middle aged man wondering what’s sensible and what’s not


Forget everything you’ve been told about getting healthy and start with a blank page in 2014.

Then start ridiculously slow with one caveat – you will never (ever) stop being active.

How is it possible to go another year not exercising he said to himself?

Everyday he thinks about the glorious temple he’s been given. It houses everything that keeps him alive.

In 1999 I had had enough and began doing one push up a day and running one mailbox (about 100 meters) a day.

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Staring into your mirror, what do we see?

jeff noel at Magic Kingdom's Casey's Corner
Take a good hard look (like that’s ever gonna happen)


Staring into your mirror, what do we see?

In a conversation yesterday someone adamantly and negatively critiqued a leadership group as not practicing what they preached.

And without trying, an immediate question, “Has this accuser ever looked in the mirror? They are the antithesis of health and wellness. And yet they claim health is critical”.

So bloody obvious it almost chokes me.

Since then, been staring into that mirror, scouring for my blind spots.

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The devil wants us to believe aging is a downhill process

Central Florida senior walker
Rick walks two hours a day, but thinks I do more (because I run) (I disagree)


The devil wants us to believe aging is a downhill process.

And yes, aging is what it says it is – aging.

Once we accept that, we can learn to be experts at it.

Instead of victims.

Everyone good with that?

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Some things are just not believable until you see for yourself

Hawaiian State park sign with Sea Turtle
A great night’s sleep is like a great day in business – everyone’s happy


Past two days teaching in Hawaii have offered no time for even the slightest exercise.

Not even a decent night’s sleep.

Some things are just not believable until you see for yourself. It’s actually amusing how challenging it is to see anything other than the hotel and airport.

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