Taking the next two days off, on purpose

healthy eating
the benefits of healthy eating outweigh those of any diet

There is no diet that will do what healthy eating does. No pill that does what exercise does.

Will lean on that while in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania.

Worked hard to get five running days in this week, knowing travel and could temperatures were waiting. Feels good when the plan comes together.

And too often, it just feels easier to listen to excuses for quitting.

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It’s time for each of us to accept this harsh reality

old sayings
a dog is man’s best friend. we should also be our own best friend.

It’s time for each of us to accept this harsh reality. We own our wellness. No one else is responsible for our health. No one else who will do the hard work either. Ever.

And it’s interesting that being selfish with our time to exercise, we actually become a better _____, right?