Do you wait with hopeful anticipation every morning?

morning time
get powered up before the day starts so you can hit the ground running

Do you wait with hopeful anticipation every morning? Getting up early facilitates a morning ritual that allows for waking up time, so that by the time the sun comes up you’re ready to roll. Heading out the Westin door at sunrise for a run through French Quarter.

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Jogging in Central Park before work

Jogging in Central Park before work…

Central Park tranquility

A homeless man (Andrew) to the right…

Central Park tranquility

An accomplished saxophone player to the left…

Central Park tranquility

All three men, it seemed, were just trying to survive. Same for everyone. I run to survive heart disease. And find a million ways to enjoy it so the temptation to quit, because…

  • there isn’t time in the day
  • it’s too hard
  • it’s too boring
  • I’m too tired…

… can be defeated. Over and over and over. And over.

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Heading to Gold’s Gym in the middle of Tropical storm Isaac

Hurricane Isaac

An hour ago at 5am (see lower left photo corner)…

Heading to Gold’s Gym in the middle of Tropical storm Isaac. Do I feel like it? Could I spend time doing other things? Will it interfere with getting to work?

Going any way. Because none of those questions will impact the quality of my day. Even with the workout, I’ll be early for work. And the benefits to having a workout to start the day? Priceless.

Insight: Semper Gumby (always flexible)…

(Update) The day didn’t work out the way it was planned.

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Revisiting a short three-phrase morning mantra for waking up everyday

Humor (the old reliable) isn’t the only thing that can make us smile…

smiling tips

The past few mornings been repeating this mantra – from my first days as a career guy at Disney (mid-’80’s):

I feel happy. I feel heathy. I feel alive.

(say it 5-10 times while walking to the bathroom right after crawling out of bed)

Insight: Smiling is easy, if you know what triggers it.

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