Lost…Chapter 2 of 5

(Today, all 5 blogs are used to tell a story. At the end of this post is a link to the next “story chapter”. To visit all five 20-second chapters, click the bold word Blog at the end)

Continued from Mid Life Celebration…before we could even think about doing any of it everyone had to go through tight security…

Even the luggage….

The whole process was much quicker than we expected. Our hearts were beating faster….

The Story, Chapter 3, continues at Next Blog

What’s Wrong With Big Dreams?

The Tide Is Predictable. Are You?
The Tide Is Predictable. Are You?


Big dreams make the world go round.

If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough.


You know, or maybe you don’t, I write five daily blogs and not every single post is gonna rock your world.

Shipping these blog posts out the door every morning takes guts.

Are you shipping anything? You want to, but you don’t. Someday, right?

Ok, sure. Whatever.

Being in good physical health is popular, and highly valued, but what about the health we talk about at the Next Blog?

Creating Life-Work Balance

How Much Is Enough?
How Much Is Enough?

You know this to be true, if for no other reason than it’s obvious.

Life has five main concepts: Mind, Body, Spirit, Money, HQ. Being excellent in one, at the expense of the others, ultimately, is an unbalanced approach, leading to serious consequences, such as unhappiness and regret.

You know this.

So the million-dollar question is, What are you going to do about it?

This story continues to continue at the Next Blog

Test Results

Just Needed A Laugh And This Did It For Me
Just Needed A Laugh And This Did It For Me

We all have experienced this. You have medical tests done to find something, but you hope they don’t.

You want to know what’s going on so you can take corrective action, but you really hope it’s nothing serious.

But if they don’t find anything, or if it isn’t serious, why all the pain?

Ever been there?

Me too. Test results were normal.

Next Blog