Two trips around the equator have been ridden on a bicycle

Florida alligator in Golf course waterway
Permanently moving to Florida in 1984 we had one car, yet two jobs – rode bike 36 miles round trip each day


Disney's California Grill and Magic Kingdom Castle
Eventually had a 30-mile one way ride from 1st home to this hotel in 1985-87


To what extent and to what motivation do we owe our glorious physical activity as a young adult?

Reflecting back on the fact that the equivalent of two trips around the equator have been ridden on a bicycle in this lifetime.

Bike riding began the summer of 1979 living a few hundred miles from home in New Brunswick, New Jersey on the Rutgers campus.

Old car broke down, no money to fix it – left abandoned and never saw it again.

Rode that old Sears 10-speed 30 miles round trip – New Brunswick to Scotch Plains – everyday to work.

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Hit by a Jeep yesterday (Reprise)…

Google screen shot
Google ‘why’ – it’s not too revealing. Why?


If there’s one thing we’d pass on to our kids, nephews and nieces, it’s that regret sucks.

Big time.

Was hit by a Jeep yesterday morning at an intersection while running. One stride ahead of what would have been serious injury, not excluding death.

Easy to talk about it now because it was a narrow miss. The sudden impact was only enough to twist a knee and be thrown off balance.

Should the worst arrive without warning, solace has been gloriously, and quietly, earned by finally fulfilling a 30+ year old promise to ‘write a book for our kids’.

It’s ok to not be satisfied.

And chase after that crazy dream you have.

You know the one.

The one you’ve always had.

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No BS theory that looks good on paper

Mickey Mouse and jeff noel
Part of the most admired Company in the world?


Only preach what you practice?

Decided the preaching ought to be good, decent, and most importantly, no BS theory that looks good on paper.

Everything on the paper these posts is from personal experience.

And the habits suggested here are the habits practiced everyday.

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Today’s exercise calls for active rest

The Breakers grand entrance, Palm Beach, Florida
The Breakers grand entrance, Palm Beach, Florida


Today’s exercise calls for active rest. Good thing too. No time for running this morning while putting finishing touches on a transformational keynote speech.

Active rest is a reward for our body – recovery, recuperation.

Transformational in a way.

With exercise or with organizational culture, transformation happens best when it is slow and steady, relentless and unwavering, honest and true.

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You’re gonna get hit

Typical morning near Disney World - fast moving traffic
Typical morning near Disney World – fast moving traffic


Blurry car passing runner along highway
Taking risks is risky. So is playing it safe.


Running yesterday, from an old white pickup truck full of construction workers on the opposite side came a shout from across the highway, “You’re gonna get hit.”

A smile came to the face, and peace filled the spirit. We can also say that driving increases our chances of being involved in a highway accident. Flying increases our odds of a plane crash (some people never fly because of this pervasive fear).

We could also have a serious health accident from high blood pressure, poor cholesterol, and so on.

Pick our poison, eh?

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