Will i have the guts to use this example?

Winter Garden Theater at night
Last night on the way home.


Will i have the guts to use this example?

Talking to a room full of health care leaders, will they be able to see past the example to allow the point to sink in?

When it comes to health and wellness there are seven areas for world-class results:

  1. Cardio
  2. Strength
  3. Nutrition
  4. Rest
  5. Core
  6. Flexibility
  7. Motivation

i will challenge them to discern which of the seven is most important.


Because the answer applies to what they do as leaders.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

The Internet is still in it’s infancy compared to the USA

John W Jolin
John W Jolin…photo from an article found using a Google search.


John W Jolin
John W Jolin…photo of a story found using a Google search.


The prevailing wisdom of life is this:

There are things you have control over and things you don’t.

Yesterday’s normal “Friday” 8-miler was modified about two miles in. Decided to settle for a two mile run, with another 3.5 miles of walking. Rationalized that Monday’s and Wednesday’s runs were longer than normal and an “easy” day was not only welcomed, but also a smart move.

The definition of “smart move” is completely subjective, and is driven by individual perception.

At Disney in the late 1980’s, Disney’s new Resort VP Bob Small told me, “Perception outweighs facts”.

It would seem that any pixie-dust of the poem, and how the author and her staff live it are skewed by “perception versus reality”.




This website is about our physical health. To leave this site to read today’s post on my spiritual health website, click here.

Do you believe in great customer service?

Homeowner's Florida pool
Walked one mile on both sides of an easy 5-mile jog yesterday, for 7.21 miles total.


Do you believe in great customer service?

Who answers, “No.”?

Probably no one, right?

Try this visual on for size.

Would we ignore or treat a valued customer poorly?

Let’s pretend our body (our health) is a customer of ours.

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