Yesterday, a random find on Pinterest. i went from almost missing a workout to creating a breakthrough.
Three days ago i didn’t feel like working out at the gym.
Plus, i almost turned around to walk home, halfway to the gym.
Somehow i mustered enough determination to keep walking.
From not “feeling it”, a miracle happened.
Walked 25% (5 miles versus 4) farther than normal, and did gym exercises i haven’t done in seven months.
All of this began as, “i don’t feel like walking or doing a gym workout.”
Yesterday’s gym workout was the first time in seven months i did the same level of workout i used to do at the previous gym.
Bottom line, i added back exercises i hadn’t done in half a year because the day i wasn’t feeling it, i compromised, got creative, and improvised a workout that felt interesting enough to triumph over boredom.
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Grand Junction, CO airport…deplaning to have dinner and wait for Vail (hopefully) weather to clear. There was talk of returning to Denver…this would be a disaster.
Signature Grand Junction landmark.
A river runs through it.
Almost sunset. Without the bad weather, i would have not had this opportunity.
Context for Grand Junction, Colorado.
A little closer look.
iPhone XS zoomed to the max.
Amazingly, didn’t miss a workout in Vail two days ago, a Monday. That unmissed workout will make this morning’s (Wednesday) workout more pleasant and easier.
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This website is about our BODY. To read today’s post about our SPIRIT, click here.
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