A Little Boy’s Big Dream

A little boy from a small Pennsylvania “Paper-Mill” town, watched the 1972 Summer Olympics on his neighbor’s TV, back when TV’s had knobs for changing channels.

A seed had been planted and he dreamt right then and there that he would become an Olympic athlete.

But he wasn’t big enough, or fast enough.


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Nothing Simpler, Nothing Harder

Okay, so we’re nine days into the new year. Whether you make resolutions or not, how is your energy for exercise progressing?

If your goal is to take the stairs, or to be able to do one push-up, how’s that going?

If your goal is to park in the last row and walk in everyday, how’s that going?

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Impossible Is For Amateurs

Yeah, I Know, It Seems Impossible
Yeah, I Know, It Seems Impossible

The main thing about diet and exercise, isn’t that you become a world-class athlete, or a super model.

That might be considered impossible.

The main thing about diet and exercise is that you try to get and stay as healthy as you can.

Is this impossible, or is this achievable? For your entire lifetime?

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